“Coming together is a start, staying together is progress, working together is success”.

Henry Ford

Our story

Founded in 2000 by Bernard Duguay, Lucion is an experience creation firm serving the entertainment, cultural and public sectors. Its creative team includes visual artists, set designers, musicians, video artists, scriptwriters and interactive media specialists.

Over the past 20 years, Lucion has distinguished itself by producing digital content with high artistic value. More than 400 productions have been completed in Canada and abroad, including lighting installations, architectural projections, mobile applications, stage productions, immersive environments for museums, and visual packaging for television.

Our philosophy

We aim to offer a new perspective on the world. Not just to provide ephemeral happiness through a dose of digital magic, but rather to foster a more global understanding. It’s where the complex connections with our world become visible. Where the inherent forces between our molecules, our thoughts and our neighbors become evident.

We are a collective of communicators seeking to inject content into the vast contemporary media ecosystem. Through our initiatives, we seek to spark more enriching discussions about the way we live, while helping to shape a more sustainable, interconnected and radiant world.

We are constantly on the lookout for writers, artists, craftspeople, musicians and environmental designers to create new forms of storytelling and sharing, whether in natural or urban settings.

What we do

Our aim is to reach as wide an audience as possible, which is why we work in a wide variety of fields.
In our portfolio, you’ll find the following categories…

La Magie de l'érable @ Au Pied de Cochon

In nature

We work in green or snow-covered areas, amid lakes, parks and forests…

For business

A company party? A seminar or conference?

For a show

Concerts, fashion shows, choir…

On buildings

One of our speciality is video mapping on buildings.

In a museum

To find out more about our involvement in museum installations, click here!

All that in music

We attach great importance to the music and soundtrack of each of our installations.


To experience great national celebrations! 

In the public square

A park, a place, a street or everything else you would like to dynamise and make your visitors dream ? it’s there ! 

"They don't know that it was impossible, so they do it"

Mark Twain

What sets up apart

Our aim is always to go beyond what the customer imagines. Our approach is therefore based first and foremost on listening carefully to our customers’ needs and dreams.

Our projects are always a delicious blend of the arts. Theater, cinema, multimedia, music, circus… nothing is too much! We love the collaboration of minds and skills that allows us to create original installations and shows that touch the hearts of audiences.

There’s no stopping us! Our extensive experience, built on years of collaboration and production with international teams with different ways of working, has given us an uncommon ability to adapt.

Our team may seem small, but it’s not. We have developed strong links with 2D and 3D artists, set designers, composers, actors… enabling us to build up a team capable of lifting mountains and working in harmony by drawing on the qualities and skills of each individual.


NUMIX 2019

Best mapping award for Quantum


For the illumination of the Jacques-Cartier Bridge (Connexions Vivantes) in the “Exterior Lighting” category.

NUMIX 2010

Experiential cultural production for Sphères Polaires.


The Convention and Visitors Bureau presents the award to “Rythmes Cosmiques”, a popular science film presented at the Mont-Mégantic ASTROLab between 2008 and 2019.